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TRIO TARGANESCU : www.targanescu.com >>>
The group set up in 1999 while they were working on The Third Night Of the Giants by the CINEMA theatre from Michałowice. Before, the musicians had been meeting in various line-ups participating in miscellaneous experimental musical projects (REPORTAŻ, KULTIKULA, MANDALA, ORANGGE), recording soundtracks to Brothers Quay's films (under the composer Lech Jankowski's command), writing music to numerous theatre and radio performances (directed by Zbigniew Szumski, Lech Raczak, Stanisław Kuźnik, Waldemar Modestowicz and Wanda Różycka), working with the theatres such as TEATR ÓSMEGO DNIA, CINEMA from Michałowice, the NEW THEATRE and the POLISH THEATRE from Poznań, the OSTERWA THEATRE from Gorzów, the FREDRO THEATRE from Gniezno, as well as with international theatre groups (FOOTSBARN TRAVELLING THEATRE, TON UND KIRCHEN and KULTURETAGE from Oldenburg), and finally as the TARGANESCU TRIO producing their own project entitled "Music scary, ruffled and other merry songs".